Friday, August 3, 2012

my happily ever after...

Thank you so much for checking out my blog.  If you don't know me, my name is Lindsey Slatton.  I've been married almost 7 years to my husband Josh and we have two kids, Sophie who is 3 and Blake is 14 months.  And here's one of our latest... not so perfect family pictures.  :-)

I thought a good way for you to get to know me would be to tell you how I met my husband and show you some of my own wedding pictures.  Sorry if this is a bit long! 

It all started on a cold and gloomy night...  no seriously, I'm from Dayton, Ohio and there was a snow storm a few days before.  I'm talking two feet of snow and a few inches of ice covering the road.  My crazy parents wanted to go visit my sister in Columbus since it was Christmas eve.  I knew it was going to take them forever to get there because the roads were so bad and even though I loved my sister I didn't feel like driving a couple hours and risking getting stuck in a pile of snow to go see her.

So I stayed at home and I cleaned the whole house then watched TV for a little bit.  Then I decided to see if any of my friends were online...  of course not.  It was Christmas eve after all.  They were probably spending time with their families.  (this was before facebook got big and so I was on aol instant messenger).  So I decided to do something I hadn't done in forever...  I went into a chat room on aol just for the heck of it and I started talking to jhslatton1978.  After a few days we started texting and talking on the phone.  And by the end of Christmas break when I was about to head back to college in Searcy, Arkansas I decided I wanted to meet this guy. 

Luckily my friend Stephen was driving back to school so I didn't have to meet him alone.  That way if he turned out to be a total wacko I'd have a bodyguard!  Long story short, we hit it off and for the next semester we took turns driving back and forth and meeting half way to see each other.  At the end of the school year I moved to Chattanooga. 

Here's a picture of us on our second date at Red Lobster in Memphis.  It's pretty bad quality, so sorry about that.  This is random, but I took it out of the frame to scan it and I have no idea why, but there was a dollar bill behind the picture!  So I can't say I didn't make any money by doing this blog!  lol 

We pretty much knew we were going to get married after I had lived here a few months and we even went to pick out a ring together.  So my engagement was never really a surprise.  But I still expected him to propose, but this is what I got...

I was going to school at UTC now and I always would go over to Josh's apartment after school to wait for him to get off work then we'd eat dinner together.  But he was late.  He didn't call or text me to tell me why he was late and when he finally got home he wouldn't tell me where he was or why he was late.  So I admit I was a little pushy and insecure at this point in our relationship, so I should have just let it go.  But Josh can have a short temper though (after all he does have red hair!)  So he just took the ring out of his pocket and shoved it at me and said "Here take it!"  So romantic!  lol!

We got married New Years Eve of 2005.  We had a very small simple wedding in the chapel at Jones Memorial UMC in East Ridge.  I didn't even send out invitations.  We just had family and a few friends.  There was about 50 people there, maybe.  I was the most laid back bride ever.  (I'm hoping to have some clients like me!)  We had one person do all the decorations, flowers, food, cake and everything and it was around $800.  We had Josh's uncle's girlfriend (now wife) do the pictures, which she did for free! (We got them a gift card as a thank you!)  I really didn't get into all the planning that much.  I had a few details that I wanted and the rest I just let go.  Now, thanks to pinterest, I see all these cute ideas and wish I had done more for my own wedding, but I can't go back in time now!

Before the wedding  (you can really see the shadow from the flash in this one!)

Our kiss picture ended up blurred...

Here's us walking out

Here's the bridal party, my cousin, Kelsie, my sister, Christy (who's 8 months pregnant!) and then Josh's friend Jamin was his best man. I can't get over Josh's hair and goatee! lol
I wish I could go back and tell myself not to hold my arm at that angle. It really makes my arms look big!

Cutting the cake

Those are some of the highlights from my wedding.  I am very grateful we had a free photographer and my parents were able to send us on that cruise for our honeymoon!  But looking back now, and being a photographer myself for the past 2 1/2 years do I wish we had hired a professional?  Yes!

We didn't have all the cute bride and groom poses.  There are shadows behind us in a lot of them.  There are simple posing mistakes for the group pictures.  My wedding pictures are alright, don't get me wrong, but let's face it, they aren't wowing anyone.  They look amateurish because they are.  If you want professional pictures you have to hire a professional!  (which is what I didn't want to do! lol)  But when facing a $3000 photographer bill or Uncle Joe...  for some Uncle Joe is the only choice!  I'll be posting my pricing soon, and I can guarantee you that I have affordable options for just about anyone who wants wedding pictures that wow!   

Hope to hear from you soon!  :-) 


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